M.B.A. in Innovation Management & Design Thinking

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This programme examines the processes and activities involved in managing innovation in firms. A key aim is for students to understand the strategic and operational issues that affect the innovation process across the different range of innovation problems that firms can confront. Four aspects of innovation will be discussed: product innovation and design; service innovation and design; information systems innovation and design; and business model innovation and design. The programme will begin with the tactical exploration of activities involved in new product development, to the organisation and management issues associated with service and information systems innovation, and ending with the analysis of the strategic issues involved in appropriating the benefits of this innovation effort through business model design. The programme will also be asking the students to consider the role that design thinking plays in managing innovation, particularly, but not exclusively in what concerns product design. The programme will also involve the practical application of the frameworks, concepts and principle learnt to real case problems.

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