Academic Policy


Academic policies and procedures allow students to clearly understand their rights and responsibilities. They protect the integrity of EIU-Paris and provide fair and transparent guidelines for activities related to teaching and learning across campus.

EIU students are expected to familiarise themselves with all academic policies. Students seeking clarity on academic policies relevant to or beyond those stated on this website should consult with the appropriate office.

EIU-Paris strongly values the principles of academic honesty. Maintaining academic honesty includes:

  • Creating and expressing your own ideas and work.
  • Properly citing and referencing other people’s ideas and work, giving appropriate credit.
  • Seeking appropriate, approved assistance from outside sources or persons (e.g. tutors).
  • Acknowledging collaboration.
  • Performing with honesty during examinations, avoiding collusion, collaboration and/or the use of unauthorised resources.

EIU-Paris will not tolerate instances of academic dishonesty and will provide appropriate educational and punitive sanctions for violations of this policy. Sanctions may range from educational programmes up to suspension and expulsion.


Academic honesty is an important element of learning. The primary reason academic dishonesty is unacceptable in EIU is because it basically wipes out the personal integrity of the students involved. If a student is ever concerned about an action, it is best to ask for guidance.

I hereby pledge that I shall not take part in any activities that constitute Academic Dishonesty. Actions constituting violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorised materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
    • Copying from another’s assignment or receiving unauthorised assistance from another during an academic exercise or in the submission of academic material.
    • Collaborating with another student or students during an academic exercise without the consent of the instructor.
  2. Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorised falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
  3. Multiple Submissions: Submission of academic work for which academic credit has already been earned (i.e. submitting the same essay in two different classes) and when such submission is made without authorisation from the instructor.
  4. Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. The following are considered to be forms of plagiarism:
    1. Word-for-word copying of another person’s ideas or words.
    2. Interspersing one’s own words within a document while, in essence, copying another’s work.
    3. Rewriting another’s work, yet still using the original author’s fundamental idea or theory without giving credit to the original author using a proper citation.
    4. Inventing or counterfeiting sources.
    5. Submission of another’s work as one’s own.
    6. Neglecting quotation marks on material that is otherwise acknowledged.
  5. Misuse of Academic Materials
    1. Receiving assistance in locating or using sources of information in an assignment, when such assistance has been forbidden by the instructor.
    2. Unauthorised alteration, forgery or falsification of academic records.
    3. Hacking or attempting to hack.
  6. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty or Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this policy or otherwise contributing to another’s acts of academic dishonesty.


It is the responsibility of students to:

  • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures, deadlines, and graduation requirements found within this catalogue and the Student Handbook.
  • Monitor progress toward completion of graduation requirements.
  • Comply with the content of the Student Handbook and Student’s Rights and Responsibilities.

EIU-Paris expects high standards of honesty and integrity from all members of the community. The university is committed to creating an environment that facilitates the academic and personal growth of its members. The university, therefore, has a duty to protect its educational purpose through the setting of standards of scholarship and conduct.


Academic honesty is a fundamental principle of the educational process. It is essential to maintaining the value of the academic degree students receive and the credibility of the university.

Academic honesty is vital to the proper evaluation of the level of knowledge and understanding a student acquires in a course. This evaluation may be based on quizzes, exams, reports, homework, projects, discussions and any other assignments used by the faculty to ascertain the student’s command of the course material. Any act that invalidates the process of evaluation is an act of academic dishonesty.

EIU-Paris forbids all forms of academic dishonesty including cheating and plagiarism.

Examples of academic honesty include but are not limited to:

  • Copying from another student’s assignment, enabling unauthorised access to test or assignment answers and use of false identity online.
  • Plagiarism; representing another’s academic or creative work as your own, and incorporating another’s ideas, words, or phrasing without giving credit to the author.
  • Alteration of official records.
  • Changing already graded documents by hacking.
  • Submission of assignments, reports, and projects mostly prepared by another student.
  • Facilitation or assistance in any act of academic dishonesty

Students caught engaging in academic dishonesty may be subject to failure for the assignment and/or additional disciplinary procedures as deemed fit.


Along with the right to privacy and the right to protection against discrimination, both of which apply to all EIU-Paris students, students accused of violating the Academic Honesty Policy shall also be given the following rights:

  • A fair, impartial, and equitable process that respects the rights of all participants.
  • Be treated with respect by University officials.
  • Written and timely notice of charges and hearing absent extenuating or extraordinary circumstances.
  • Be presumed not responsible until found responsible by a preponderance of evidence.
  • Have an advisor with them throughout the hearing process.
  • Review all relevant documentary evidence regarding the allegation, at least two (2) days prior to a hearing.
  • Have unrelated past behaviour excluded from the hearing.
  • Choose not to present evidence or speak on their own behalf. A decision will still be rendered based on the information that is presented at the hearing.
  • Be informed, in writing, promptly of the outcome, pending all appeals.
  • To appeal the decision and/or the sanction imposed based on specific grounds.


  • It is the policy of EIU-Paris that in the context of academic discussion and assignments students may freely express their own perspectives or opinions on substantive issues. We may not penalise or censor students for dissenting or controversial views.


Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own.

This includes information from:

  • Web pages, books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks or any other medium.

Whenever you paraphrase, summarise, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another person’s work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper using an internal citation. It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. Failing to properly quote, cite or acknowledge someone else’s words or ideas with an internal citation is plagiarism.

Up to 25% plagiarism can be accepted for the lecturers to grade the paper. Disciplinary sanctions for violating EIU-Paris standards relating to academic dishonesty includes failing grade for the course and /or dismissal from the university.


The University review of Academic Policy violations is an administrative process. It is not a criminal law process, nor is it intended to resemble one. The University review of Academic Policy violations is not required to observe formal rules of evidence and may exclude unduly repetitious or immaterial information.


EIU helps the students at every step of their way through:

  1. Academic Counsellors:

Academic counsellors are engaged as a link between learners and EIU. They perform various roles such as facilitating the learning of subject matter content, assessing assignments, providing motivation and encouragement and supervising research papers.

  1. Learning Management System:

Learning Management System is also known as LMS. EIU’s Learning Management System is a vast repository where you can store and track information. Anyone with a login and password can access these online training resources whenever and wherever.

  1. Student Forums:

Students can create forums on website with fellow students to clarify their doubts and to have healthy discussions about the subject. These forums are specific to a particular specialisation. We also encourage the students to set up their own support groups.

  1. Class Room sessions:

EIU hosts classroom sessions for the students at their Paris and Bangkok centres. The schedule for which will be released by EIU on the website. EIU also has Learning Support Centres for those students prefer classroom sessions and guidance for the programmes.

  1. Information Support Centre:

For any other issues the students can contact the information support centre through [email protected] or contact +668-9115-2450.


Under the system of EIU-Paris, the academic year is divided into 8 modules and an action research. A student has the liberty to join the programme anytime of the year.

Example: If a student starts the programme in the month of January. We recommend completion of 1 module per month and 2 months for the action research. Therefore, 8 modules will be completed by the end of August. Action Research will be completed by the end of October.


The workload we recommend is an average of 10-12 hours study time per week for any programme.


In Executive Education, without the supervision and guidance of faculty, a student develops a research project which centers on an area of study not included in the regular course(s). A student may enroll for one or more courses of executive education in a semester. Students will be required to keep log of time, and submit assignments as required by the programme.

Executive Education presupposes a developed competency and maturity. A student who does not meet the qualifying criteria, but develops a proposal which merits Executive Education status, should consult with the director to assess the possibilities for successful completion of the project.


Professional Training Courses:

All the professional training courses are designed in such a way that the participant’s knowledge and understanding are assessed using our industry-oriented – module specific assignments at the end of each module. For a participant to be certified in the programme he/she must showcase a satisfactory level of performance.

100% completion of courses and assessment therein is required to be able to get certified in the said course and/or programme.

Degree Programmes:

EIU-Paris follows European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS academic credits scheme). The ECTS credit system makes degree programmes and student performance more transparent and comparable all across European Union countries.

B.B.A Grading Scheme:

– Each B.B.A. programme consists of 24 core modules including an Action Research paper. Each of the 24 modules carries 7.5 ECTS (7.5*24 = 180 ECTS) making the total ECTS for B.B.A. programme 180.

M.B.A. Grading Scheme:

– Each M.B.A. programme consists of 8 core modules and an Action Research paper for the area of specialisation.
– Each of the 8 modules carries 7.5 ECTS (7.5*8 = 60 ECTS) and the Action Research paper carries 30 ECTS making total ECTS for the M.B.A. Programme 90.

M.S.IET Grading Scheme:

– The M.S.IET programme consists of 7 core modules and an Action Research paper.
– Each of the 7 modules and action research paper carries 7.5 ECTS (7.5*8 = 60 ECTS) making the total ECTS for M.S.IET Programme 60.
– Before the evaluation, the results are divided into two subgroups: Pass and Fail.

The grading system is defined as follows:

Higher Distinction : 90-100%
Distinction : 80-89%
First Division : 70-79%
Second Division : 60-69%
Satisfactory : 50-59%
Unsatisfactory : 49 % and below.


If you have a grievance about a grade, you may formally appeal. The following are grounds for appeal: The application of non-academic criteria, such as the consideration of race, politics, religion, sex, or other criteria not directly reflective of performance related to course requirements; sexual harassment; or improper academic procedures that unfairly affect your grade.

The formal process must be initiated within 2 weeks from the day the final grade for the module was posted.

  • Identify course and section in the subject line of an email.
  • When asking a question, be specific and provide details about what you are trying to.
  • Figure out and what you don’t understand.
  • Always identify yourself in the message.
  • Keep it simple – be clear and concise.
  • Avoid using jargon and overusing “big” words.
  • Use concrete, specific words rather than vague, general words.
  • Write professionally, but as you would talk.
  • Avoid “texting” language, foul language or slang.
  • Vary your sentence length but avoid very long (run-on) sentences.
  • Write in a positive tone.
  • Do not respond in anger.
  • Always edit and proofread your work before you send it.
  • Check spelling and grammar.


To receive a degree in the programme of study the student must achieve the following:

  • Complete and successfully pass ALL the core modules, as well as the Action Research Paper as prescribed in the programme specification.
  • Obtain a mark of 50% and above to satisfactorily pass each core module as well as the Action Research paper.
  • Complete the full programme of study in minimum duration of 12 months, and a maximum duration of up to 36 months. After 36 months duration from enrollment date, the student would need to re-enroll for the entire programme, and pay full programme fee again.


Graduation is the official confirmation of the completion of all the requirements for a programme. It is also necessary to ensure that the student’s academic file is complete before a certificate is awarded. Students should keep close track of all coursework completed and keep in regular contact EIU.

A student may initiate the application for graduation after the submission of their action research paper.

EIU Organises Annual Graduation Ceremony in Paris and Bangkok.

If one wishes to be a part of the annual graduation ceremony:

  • Fill the Graduation form indicating that you would like to present for the annual Graduation Ceremony.
  • Each student can bring along 1 special guest
  • A nominal fee needs to be payed to EIU for the graduation which will include Banquet for Graduation, Graduation Gown, Hat.

If one does not wish to be a part of the annual graduation ceremony:

  • Fill the Graduation form indicating that you will not be present for the annual Graduation Ceremony.
  • Submit appropriate fees to EIU for the Graduation Certificate.
  • The Graduation Certificate will be sent within two months of applying for graduation.

Both registered and unregistered students who plan to graduate but did not get added to the degree list should contact the [email protected]


To cancel from a programme registration, students must go to their profile on the EIU website and click on cancel, fill the cancellation form and submit. Once the cancellation is processed, the students will receive an email confirming that the cancellation has been processed.


EIU will process the refund due to the students as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 working days from the day on which they received the mail confirming it.

  • Immediate Cancellation: If a student wishes to cancel the programme immediately after the enrollment i.e., before accessing any of the modules, then the refund would be 75% of the tuition
  • Cancellation after accessing 1 module: If a student wishes to cancel the programme after initiating 1 module (Irrespective of whether the module is complete) then the refund would be 50% of the tuition
  • Cancellation after accessing 2 modules: If a student wishes to cancel the programme after initiating 2 modules (Irrespective of whether the module is complete) then there would be NO refund.


Once students register for a course, they are responsible for dropping any course they decide not to attend.

  • Once you have enrolled into the programme and you wish to immediately pull out 50% of the tuition fee will be refunded.
  • If you have already started the module and then decide to pull out, 25% of the tuition fee will be refunded.


EIU-Paris offers 10-30% scholarship on tuition fee for exceptional candidates who can submit the proof of:

  • Exceptional academic performance in previous qualifications. I.e., Bachelor’s degree or equivalent or higher.
  • Exceptional Professional performance at work place. Share the awards / recognitions / accomplishments / your contribution to your field of work.


In order to fulfill the requirements of the EIU-Paris course curriculum all students are expected to have, or have access to:

  • A personal computer.
  • An e-mail account that will accept all e-mails, including attachments, from the domain name
  • A word processor programme such as Microsoft Word.
  • A telephone and the ability to call a telephone number (may also use a voice-over-IP service like Skype).
European International University ©. All rights reserved.

[ ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL STUDENTS!! AS OF 9th April 2024 ] Academic Policy - AI Generated Content